Thursday, May 12, 2011

The rain continues

I wasn't expecting much as far as good weather goes today.  On the way to work at around 6AM there was some dense fog cover.  Visibility wasn't great either.  Currently the temp is 65 degrees with some heavy humidity in the air that can definitely be felt.  The wind is slow but straight from the East at 4 MPH.  There is also 100% cloud cover with a thick layer of stratus clouds. This storm system is moving very slowly through the midwest!
US: Water Vapor Satellite
Above is the water vapor satelite and it can easily be seen that there is a mid latitude cyclone in the center of the country which is the culprit of our stormy slow weather.  This rainy weather should unfortunately continue through the weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Storms!

After a gorgeous day yesterday I knew there was some stormy weather in sight.  As the day progressed it went from humid to cool which meant that the front was coming through.  Early this morning it hit with full force complete with thunder and lightning as well as plenty of rain.  It's good to see the trees and grass greening up!! Today's weather is 68 F with 78% humidity which explains the stormy weather we have seen all day.  currently there are some cumulonimbus / stratus clouds covering the sky.  The wind is from the NNE at about 6 mph so we have a slower moving storm system on our hands. 

US: Current Weather
This surface map shows that we have our Low pressure stationary front taking its sweet time moving through the area.  We can expect this rainy weather to stick around for awhile!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 8ths crazy morning storm

I work early mornings at macys. The first picture is facing east and you can easily see the wall cloud.  The second is facing west. I had just missed a lightning strike. What a difference on each side of the building!

spring has finally arrived... a month late

Finally we have that goreous weather we have been waiting for!  The temperature is currently 76 degrees and SUNNY with a few higher altitude stratus and cirrus clouds.  However, the wind is from the ESE at around 14MPH which means that there is most likely some precipitation headed our way. 
US: Water Vapor Satellite

As can be seen on this water vapor map there is quite a bit of precipitation to our south that is currently being pushed in our direction by the Low that is to our west.
US: Current Weather
  We can anticipate some rainfall within the next few instead of April showers bring may flowers.... apparently its May showers bring June flowers!